AKFA Medline University Hospital
The Department of Spinal Neurosurgery at AMUH will provide you with highly qualified assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal diseases of any complexity.
Our highly qualified specialists, trained and trained in leading clinics in the world, including the Texas Clinic, are proficient in the full range of modern surgical treatment methods:
Microsurgery: minimally invasive surgery using a high-precision microscope to minimize trauma and shorten recovery time.
Endoscopic surgery: Surgeries using endoscopic equipment that are performed through small incisions.
Reconstructive surgery: restoration of the integrity of the spinal column using various implants.
Vertebroplasty: a minimally invasive procedure aimed at strengthening the vertebrae with cement.
Radiofrequency ablation: destruction of intervertebral discs using radio waves.
We treat:
Herniated discs: removal of the herniation using microsurgery or endoscopy.
Spinal stenosis: expansion of the narrowed spinal canal, elimination of compression of the nerve roots.
Degenerative diseases of the spine: spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis.
Spinal injuries: fractures, dislocations, subluxations.
Spinal tumors: benign and malignant.
Spinal deformities: scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.
Our advantages:
A team of experienced neurosurgeons who have undergone training and internship in leading clinics in the world.
The latest equipment and technologies: microscopes, endoscopic equipment, navigation systems.
Individual approach: selection of the optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the characteristics of each patient.
Comfortable hospital conditions: superior wards, round-the-clock supervision by experienced staff.
Rapid recovery: postoperative rehabilitation aimed at a speedy return to normal life.
The health of your spine is in good hands!
Make an appointment with our specialists and get advice on the treatment of your disease.
AKFA Medline University Hospital – Markaziy Osiyodagi zamonaviy jihozlangan xususiy ko‘p tarmoqli universitet klinikasi bo‘lib, u diagnostika, davolash va murakkab kardiojarrohlik, ginekologik, urologik, qon-tomir, ortopediya va boshqa operatsiyalarni amalga oshirishda eng ustuvor va zamonaviy texnikalar bilan jihozlangan markazdir.
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