Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Akfa Medline University Hospital

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

AKFA Medline University Hospital Cardiac Surgery Center is equipped with high-tech equipment that meets all international standards. In particular, in anesthesiology, BIS monitoring is used to determine the level of anesthesia during medicated sleep. There is also an MSCT tomograph for 3D visualization of the heart.

The Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery performs the full range of cardiac surgery for congenital heart defects. The team of pediatric cardiac surgeons successfully operates on the most complex congenital defects, including multi-stage procedures, which only a few centers in Central Asia have experience with. High professionalism and coherence of the team, high-tech equipment and the use of advanced treatment methods allow the pediatric cardiac surgeons of the AKFA Medline University Hospital to constantly expand the age limits for performing surgical interventions. The department’s specialists have experience in the surgical treatment of children in the first days of life: the smallest patient who underwent a successful operation under artificial circulation weighed 2100. The department also actively uses minimally invasive approaches for the correction of congenital heart defects under artificial circulation – ministernotomy to close the defect interventricular septum and lateral thoracotomy to close the atrial septal defect, correction of the incomplete form of the patent atrioventricular canal and correction of partial anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins.

The endovascular direction of correction of congenital pathologies is actively developing at the clinic. In the X-ray operating room, the department’s specialists perform procedures to close ventricular septal defects, atrial septal defects, patent ductus arteriosus, and arteriovenous fistulas of any location using occluding devices.

When treating complex congenital heart defects in patients with a high risk of complications, the department’s specialists use hybrid procedures that combine two techniques: endovascular and traditional “open” surgery with or without artificial circulation.

The department’s employees implement joint scientific programs with many foreign research institutes such as the Russian Academy of Science and American and European foreign colleagues. Experts annually present the results of their work at international congresses.

What types of operations are performed: